Contact Tracing Software


To successfully execute contact tracing requires persistent, comprehensive communication to infected populations and to those who become exposed contacts of those infected.

Our cloud-based Contact Tracing as a Service application, known as CTaaS™ was designed and developed by people responsible for conducting contact tracing during the pandemic.

Effective contact tracing can be performed by employers and schools to keep their respective populations safe and to keep their organizations operating.

Individually, as employers, as educators, and as communities we must be committed to the eradication of Covid-19 and prepared for the next virus.

The videos here highlight the benefits of using CTaaS™as your organization’s contact tracing solution and why it is clearly superior to cumbersome, piecemeal, non-integrated alternatives.

The videos here highlight the benefits of using CTaaS™as your organization’s contact tracing solution and why it is clearly superior to cumbersome, piecemeal, non-integrated alternatives.

For more information, or to schedule a demonstration, email


1. Intuitive positive case interview flow

2. Easy, intuitive close contact calling and interviews

3. Monitor case investigation workloads

4. Manage contact tracer performance

5. Case follow-up via phone,
text or email

6. Reach Public Health goals with effective and efficient CTaaS™ features

7. Store vaccine guides, safety tips, public support option documents

8. Send vaccine guides, safety tips, public service support options

9. Confidence in securing Protected Health Information (PHI)

10. Persistent, comprehensive contact tracing helps communities stay safe